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Corporate Services

Corporate Services 

We have been providing corporate legal services for over 15 years.  We have an international reach having worked with clients all over the world.    


We will work closely with you to understand your problem and provide you with a sustainable business solution.


Governance and Compliance,  Regulatory and Administrative Support are just some of our areas of expertise.

Our Experience 

Governance - Assist the Chairman and the Board to facilitate effective, business and prudent management for the long-term success of your company; ensure good information flows between senior management and directors, and ensure that board procedures are complied with.


Compliance and Regulatory – Ensure that your business complies with the various rules and regulations applicable to it and highlight and avoid the consequences of failing to do so.


​Administrative Support - Provide high level business administrative support to deliver best practice and good governance and ensure regulatory compliance.


Consultancy – Provide consultancy service on an ad hoc basis to oversee the above requirements are met.

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